Frequently Asked Questions
How do I import data from other apps?
Open from menu settings | Tools | Import data and choose CSV (*.csv).
Download a sample CSV file for the required file format (My Car format).
You can also export your data in CSV format to get a sample file. Select from menu settings | Tools | Export data and choose CSV (*.csv).
From which other apps can I import data directly?
You can import data from Fuelio, Fuelly, Drivvo and My Cars using their native CSV format.
How many vehicles can I manage with this app?
Free / Basic: max 3 vehicles
Premium: max 6 vehicles
Premium Business: max 10 - 400 vehicles depending on your license type
How can I backup my data?
Select from menu settings | Tools | Export data and choose My Car (*.dat).
How can I restore my data from a backup?
Select from menu settings | Tools | Import data and choose My Car (*.dat).
How do I transfer my subscription to a new email account?
To move your subscription to a new account, follow these steps:
Backup your data. Select settings | Tools | Export data and choose My Car (*.dat).
Delete your current account. Select settings | Account, click Delete account, select Delete all data from my account and finally click the button Delete account.
Uninstall the app from all of your devices.
Install the app again into the device where you have purchased Premium and sign in using the new email account.
Select from menu settings | Tools | Import data, choose My Car (*.dat) and pick the backup file you saved in step 1.
Reinstall the app into your other devices and sign in using the new email address.
How do I install the Web app as PWA?
For best performance it is recommended to install the Web app as PWA.
Here is how to install the PWA using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge:
1. Open in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Safari is not supported).
2. Install the app as follows:
Google Chrome: open Google Chrome menu "..." and select Save and Share / Install My Car.
Microsoft Edge: click the Install My Car -button in the right edge of the address bar (a button with a + symbol).
NOTE: In mobile devices it is recommended to use the mobile apps downloaded from app stores. Although Web app is very close to the native app, the native app performs always better. There are also some features missing from the Web app.
NOTE: To enable all features in My Car for Windows 10/11, install the app from Microsoft Store.
How do I import data manually from the deprecated My Car 4 for Windows 10?
If you still have the My Car 4 for Windows 10 installed, select from menu settings / Tools / Export data, export the .DAT file and import it to My Car for Android / iOS. Otherwise you need to export your data manually.
To export your data from the old My Car 4 for Windows 10 manually, follow these steps:
1. Open this folder in Explorer:
NOTE: AppData folder is a hidden folder, see instructions e.g. from here how to make it visible.
2. You should now see files like MyCar.db and Settings.dat.
3. In the same folder where MyCar.db is located, create a new file named "version" (without any file name extension) and write to the file only text "40" (without apostrophes).
4. Select all files and subfolders in this folder and add them to a zip file. Make sure the files MyCar.db and version are at the root folder of the created zip.
5. Rename the .ZIP file name extension as .DAT
6. Install My Car for Android or My Car for iOS and import the previously created .DAT file (select from menu settings / Tools / Import data).
NOTE: due to technical restrictions this .DAT file cannot be imported to My Car for Windows 10 directly. As a workaround you must first import it to Android/iOS and then export it again (settings / Tools / Export data). The .DAT file exported from Android/iOS can be imported also to the new My Car for Windows 10.
Why my subscription is not recognized when I sign in?
Please check if you have any of these common issues:
1. Make sure you sign in using the correct email address. Your subscription is associated with the email address used during the purchase.
2. Did you use "Hide my Email" (Apple's private email relay service) when creating your My Car account? In this case you can use Sign in with Apple only (Sign in with Google does not work).
3. Android: for enhanced security and to protect your data we accept connections only from Play Protect certified devices. If your device is not Play Protect certified, we recommend you contact your device manufacturer or retailer to ask for a fully tested, Play Protect certified device. For some devices, firmware update may fix the issue.
More information:
Check device integrity verdict (labels MEETS_BASIC_INTEGRITY and MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY are required):